2016 Northwestern Michigan Field School – Frequently Asked Questions: 




How do I get to Traverse City?


By Car:

For detailed direction on how to drive to NMC click here.


By Bus:

There is a Bus Terminal in Traverse City.

You can also get around town on the Bay Area Buses.


By Air:
Cherry Capital Airport is a fairly large airport in Traverse City.

There are daily flights to/from both Detroit and Minneapolis on Delta Airlines.

There are daily flights to/from Chicago on American Airlines.

Airport code is: TVC




Is accommodation provided?


Yes, if you purchase a package or book a room by June 1, 2016.

Rooms may be available up until the week of the field school but this is not guaranteed.


Accommodation consists of rooms in NMC’s student dormitories.

Only single rooms are available.

You must contact Dr. Holley directly if you wish to book a double (2 people sharing) room.


Directions to NMC Dorms are provided here.


There are also plenty of other motel/hotel/campground options available in Traverse City in a wide price range. 


Go to www.visittraversecity.com for more information.


Accommodation in Traverse City can be hard to find during the summer months due to the number of festivals and tourism in the area.


It is likely that accommodation outside of the NMC dormitories will be both scarce and expensive.




Is equipment included?


No. However, if you need equipment it can be rented at a reasonable price from Scuba North, a dive shop 1 mile south of the College.

For pricing see the attached form.
Full kit or just tanks and weight options are available.

Book early to reserve your gear since diving is very popular here in the summer.




Is transportation included?


Not officially.


However we are happy to pick you up from the airport and you are welcome join us on evening excursions.


Many students have cars and can provide rides to whever we are going. Dr. Holley also has a transport van.

You are responsible for transportation around Traverse City if you wish to go off on your own.


Transportation to fileld projects is included.




Are meals included?



Meals are not included.


There are many fast food establishments within walking distance of campus.


These include: Subway, Mancino’s, McDonalds, Jimmy Johns, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell and many small independent restaurants.




What if I can’t come for a whole week?


You may attend whatever courses fit into your schedule.

You may sign up for individual courses using the field school course order form.

You may need to find alternate accommodation if you are only coming for one course and do not book a room at NMC well ahead of time.




How do I obtain academic credit for courses?


Both the NAS Part 1 and the NAS Part 2 qualify for 3 social science (anthropology) credits, each.




If you wish to obtain academic credit for the NAS Part 1 (Ant 201, CRN #1939) and Part 2 (Ant 202, CRN# 1937) courses you must register for these courses at Northwestern Michigan College and not through the online order form provided on this web site. Credits transfer to most major universities.




If you need additional assistance, or are an out of country student, call:


Lindsey Dickinson at 231-995-1253, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for help with the admissions process.




If you wish to obtain academic credit for the Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology course ANP 130 you must register for these courses at North Central Michigan College and not through the online order form provided on this web site. Credits transfer to most major universities.




If you need additional assistance, or are an out of country student, call:


XXX at 231-XXX, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for help with the admissions process.




Accomidation can be booked seperately with Dr. Holley.




If you have any questions regarding academic credit contact Dr. Holley directly.






How do I register for courses?


To book a package or individual course please visit our: field school course booking form




What are the diving conditions like in Grand Traverse Bay?


During the field school water temperatures should be high 50’s to low 60’s F (10 to 15 C).

Deeper diving beyond 50 Ft (20m) will be colder and you may want to use a dry suit.

Visibility is normally 50 Ft (20m) or greater but varies throughout the bay.




Are there other things to do in Traverse City besides diving?



The Grand Traverse Area is a tourist destination in the summer. There are fantastic beaches, rolling wooded hills, nature walks and wineries with all the amenities of a modern city.

For a list see: The Traverse City Visitors Bureau 


The city center is a short (10-15 minuate) walk from the college campus and has a small town feel with many unique shops and independent cafes. You may visit their web site here.


Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park is about half a hour drive to the west of Traverse City.




Can I take a NAS III class if I haven’t completed my NAS II?


            Yes.  However, you won’t receive credit for it until you’ve completed your NAS II.




Do I have to be a certified diver to take Nautical Archaeology Society classes?



These courses are designed so that everybody can participate.

While some courses are specifically aimed at divers, most have alternate exercises for non divers.

You do not need to be a diver to take and enjoy all of the basic courses.




All courses are appropriate for students age 16 – 100+






Special Instructions for Divers




During the field school water temperatures should be high 50’s to low 60’s F (10 to15 C).


Deeper diving beyond 50 Ft (20m) will be colder and you may want to use a dry suit.

Visibility is normally 50 Ft (20m) or greater but varies throughout the bay.




Transportation from the College to the dive site and return (if needed) is provided.




Dive Insurance


You must have Divers Alert Network (DAN) or equivalent medical dive insurance to participate in any type of diving. Please bring proof of insurance with you.




Dive Medical Form


You must complete a Dive Health Self Certification and other waiver and release forms. These will be provided on the Divers Check Out Day, If you have a current (within the last 12 months your last diving day) dive medical form completed by a physician please bring a copy.




Dive Kit/Gear


The field school is associated with the Scuba North Dive Shop which is located 1 mile south of the NMC campus. It is a full service shop and all regular gear/kit is available for rent and/or purchase. Security deposits are required for most equipment. No diving gear is provided by the field school, each participant will need to rent or bring their own kit. If you are bringing your own kit, please ensure that it is in good working order and that dive bottles etc. are in test.


You must provide your personal dive kit/gear that includes the following items:






·        Mask, fins, booties, snorkel, weight belt and weights, regulator, Buoyancy Control Device, Pressure Gage, depth gauge, timing device/ divers watch, or computer and compass


·        Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) and deployment reel


·        DiveAlert® or other surface noise signaling device / whistle


·        Dive Certificate Card


·        Logbook


·        Gear bag


·        Full length wetsuit or drysuit


·        Tank






·        Personal u/w camera


·        Gloves and hood




Check this page from time to time as new questions will certainly arise.