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About Nasnmc

  • The NAS is dedicated to advancing education in nautical archaeology at all levels; to improving techniques in excavating, conservation and reporting; and to encouraging the participation of members of the public at all stages.
  • The Nautical Archaeology Society is a non-government organisation formed to further interest in our underwater cultural heritage. We are a registered charity based in the United Kingdom, but with strong links to sister organisations around the world. (The Charity Commission for England and Wales Reg. No. 264209 and for Scotland Reg. No. SC040130)
  • We aim to preserve our archaeological heritage in the marine environment, by acting as a focus for coastal and marine archaeology. To do this we need to involve everyone – divers and non-divers, scientists, historians and anyone with an interest. Our underwater heritage is not renewable, and is at constant threat from natural and human agencies.
  • Preserving a record of the past is vital, and it is important that this record is as accurate as possible. To achieve this we aim to improve archaeological techniques and encourage publication and research. We publish a members’ newsletter of events (ISSN 0602-6098), and a learned journal, The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (ISSN 1057-2414), which welcomes substantive contributions to the art from around the world.
  • Through these means the NAS aims to reveal our underwater heritage, allowing everyone to benefit from this unique and fascinating resource.
Subdivisions of Underwater Archaeology

  • Maritime Archaeology – The scientific study of material evidence remaining from human activities on the sea.
  • Nautical Archaeology – The specialized study of maritime technology (e.g., ships, boats and other craft).
  • Riverine Archaeology – The study of artifacts of early river transportation.
  • Lake and Loch Archaeology – The study of sites in Lakes and Lochs
  • Submerged Site Archaeology – The study of Inundated Sites (terrestrial sites which have been submerged due to land subsidence or rising sea levels.)
  • Water saturated sites – swamps, marshes, and other wetland sites created as a result of changes in the water table due either too natural or human changes to the environment.
  • Definitions:
  • Site – collection of artifacts, features or ecofacts left by people whom once lived in or used a specific place.
  • Artifact – A portable object(s) that has been modified, shaped, or utilized by humans.
  • Feature – A non-portable product left by people who once lived in or used a specific place.
  • Ecofact – Related flora and/or fauna caused by human activity.
  • Provenience – Origin, location, arrangement and relationship of a collection of remains with respect to each and themselves.