Within the NAS you can assist in the search for evidence of past marine activities in seas, rivers, lakes or on land. You can help survey historic wrecks and other archaeological sites as well as receive training in underwater archaeological techniques. And why not help record and publish your new discoveries or help reconstruct and test early water-borne craft. The NAS also organises conferences and lectures to clubs and societies. Importantly you choose your own involvement based on time available and level of expertise or simply sit back and read about current activities in the NAS newsletter or academic journal.


  • To preserve our archaeological heritage in the marine environment.
  • To act as a focus for coastal and marine archaeology.
  • To involve divers and non-divers.
  • To provide education, training and information.
  • To improve techniques of surveying, recording, excavation and conservation.
  • To promote publication and research The Nautical Archaeology Society is a non-government organisation formed to further interest in underwater cultural heritage.

NAS Training provides first-class training in all aspects of archaeology in the marine environment to promote high standards of archaeological work and develop skills and techniques. The aims of the Nautical Archaeology Society are: to preserve archaeological heritage in the marine environment. to act as a focus for coastal and marine archaeology. to involve divers and non-divers. to provide education, training and information.  to improve techniques of surveying, recording, excavation and conservation.  to promote publication and research Our courses are certified, supported and recognised internationally and are expertly designed to help you achieve expertise in these areas. Our courses are delivered by acknowledged experts in their particular fields. You can get information about our courses by clicking on the course links displayed in the Top Menu on this page. You can also access courses using our  Virtual Learning Environment but remember that you will have to be a registered user before you will be able to gain full access.