NAS Part 1 – Introduction to Underwater Archaeology

Certificate in foreshore and underwater archaeology
NAS 1 Aims:
This three day entry-level course to the Nautical Archaeology Society Training Program and is aimed at introducing nautical archaeology to divers and non-divers, and promoting their interest in the subject. It provides a broad-based view of the subject by covering a wide range of topics. Course content will draw primarily from archaeology, anthropology and the applied social or behavioral sciences. Contact Dr. Holley if you are interested in taking this course for academic credit. There is a practical session in the field recording a “shallow water” or “foreshore” site.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will:
- have been introduced to the basic principles and scope of nautical archaeology;·
- appreciate the importance of our nautical heritage
- understand the need for the recording, protection and preservation of the underwater heritage;·
- have been given the necessary knowledge to undertake a pre-disturbance site survey ;·
- understand the status and potential of underwater archaeology in Michigan;·
- gain practical skills in underwater surveying and recording;·
- appreciate the practice of underwater archaeology as an ad-vocational diver.
Topics Covered:
- Basic theory and practice in prehistoric and historical archaeology
- Methods, techniques, and technologies in underwater archaeology
- Project case study, e.g. “Forton Lake Community Archaeology Project”
- Conservation of materials from submerged and wet environments
- Dating methods and site interpretation
- Introduction to wreck recording techniques
- Practical session using the wreck recording form
- De-briefing session
- Introduction to 3-D survey programs
- Survey practical
- Introduction to finds handling and the problems associated with waterlogged material
- Project logistics and safety
- Introduction to the NAS Wreck Recording Project and other NAS Projects
- Practical session in the field recording a “shallow water” or “foreshore” site
Syllibus: To download a sample syllabus click here.
Cost: $400 Text book is included.
Suggested Reading:
Archaeology Underwater, The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice. A Bowens (ed). 2008. Blackwell, London
Course Instructors:
Dr. Mark W. Holley
Ian Cundy