NAS Part III Native American Settlement in Northwestern Michigan 
Research and Information Technology module
This course will present a brief introduction to the prehistoric and early historic archaeology of northern Michigan. It will be a summary of what is known of the human occupation of this region from 12,000 BC until approximately A.D. 1800. Students will learn the basic cultural sequence of the archaeological record as well as the distinctive artifacts of each cultural expression. Archaeological cultures will be discussed in their geological and ecological settings. Instruction will be appropriate for beginning students with an interest in the cultures of the prehistoric past.
The course is aimed at both divers and non-divers, anthropology students, individuals undertaking the NAS Training program, together with professional archaeologists wanting to expand their knowledge of ancient cultures specific to the Great Lakes region.
Course outline:
(1)  The Paleo Indian period and the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age – 14,000 to 10,000 years ago.
(2)  The Archaic period and cultural adaptations to the Great Lakes forest– 10,000 to 2500 years ago.
(3)  The Woodland era and the onset of village life — 2500 to 350 years ago.
(4)  The historic native tribes of northern Michigan.
(5)  The coming of Euro- Americans — 350 to 200 years ago.
Teaching Outcomes:
This course will be taught by lecture. Students are required to complete a 70 page preliminary reading before attending lectures and to take detailed notes. Students are also required to attend a field trip to the Skegmog Point site. Many opportunities will be made for students to ask questions. At the conclusion of this course students will know the basic sequence of prehistoric cultural development in upper Michigan and be able to recognize the artifacts which are distinctive of each of the major periods.
Cost and Credits:
A maximum of 5 credit points will be available in the Research and Information Technology module. The cost for the course is $150.00. Part III courses are open to everyone; however credit points will only be awarded to those who have completed the NAS Part I Course.
Suggested Reading:
Cleland, Charles: Rites of Conquest, 1992, University of Michigan Press avaliable for purchase at NMC book store.
Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Cleland