NAS Part III Cultural Resource Management
Managing Archaeology module

This is a half-day, lecture course will examine the different approaches taken by cultural resource managers to present the information that archaeologists recover to the wider public. The course presents the history of CRM, how it is applied to underwater sites and how it has been used in the Great Lakes. Several case studies where cultural resource manages and archaeologists worked together to complete archaeological projects will be presented. The course is aimed at divers, individuals undertaking the NAS Training program, as well as professional archaeologists wanting to expand their knowledge of how archaeological data is used by other scientists.
Course outline:
- Conceptual roots of cultural resource management in the United States
- Inventory and assessment
- Documentation and evaluation
- Application of archaeological knowledge
- Case Study 1: Survey of the Steamboat New Orleans
- Case Study 2: Michigan Shipwrecks and Underwater Preserves
Teaching Outcomes:
This course will reintroduce participants to the different approaches taken by cultural resource managers to present the information that archaeologists recover to the wider public. Upon completion of the course participants will have a better understanding of what cultural resource managers do and how they can add value to archaeological projects.
Cost and Credits:
A maximum of 3 credit points will be available in the Managing Archaeology module. The cost for the course is $90. Part III courses are open to everyone; however credit points will only be awarded to those who have completed the NAS Part I and Part II Courses.
Suggested Reading:
Archaeology Underwater, The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice. A Bowens(ed). 2008. Blackwell, London
Course Instructor: Ken Vrana